Comments on: The Harvard Cocktail You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Wed, 12 Aug 2015 22:54:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Ford Thu, 03 Jan 2013 04:26:16 +0000 In reply to djhawaiianshirt.

That’s good to know, and certainly gives me something to think about. Thanks for letting me know.

By: djhawaiianshirt Wed, 02 Jan 2013 22:48:05 +0000 Doug, it’s your analysis on things like the size of the drink and its social implications that keep me coming back and relishing in your posts. Keep it up.

By: Doug Ford Thu, 20 Dec 2012 17:45:10 +0000 In reply to Ken March.

Hi, Ken, I’m delighted to learn that you’ve been following Cold Glass for so long. It’s the kind of thing that keeps me working. Thanks!

My taste for brandy has really grown over the last couple years. Back when I wrote up the Sidecar, it was pretty much the only place I ever used brandy, aside from sipping a little Cognac or Armagnac after dinner. I’ve come to appreciate it, and its cocktail history, considerably more with the passage of time, and the education of my palate.

As for soda, my choices are slim, and I haven’t done much research into the issue. My standard is Schweppes Club Soda, because I can get it easily from my local grocery. I haven’t looked into any of the lately-fashionable countertop soda chargers, mainly because I just don’t use soda all that much, and I’m too, um… frugal to shell out for something I wouldn’t use often. But then, who knows? My interests could change tomorrow—I’m such a slave to fashion…

I hope you enjoy that Harvard.

By: Ken March Thu, 20 Dec 2012 17:09:31 +0000 I’ve enjoyed following this blog since your Sidecar post back in November of 2009. The Sidecar was the first cocktail that I made, and I’ve been intrigued by cognac or brandy cocktails since. I now look forward to making a Harvard soon! Thank you for sharing this!

I too found the soda ingredient interesting…

What are your thoughts on which soda to use in cocktails?
