Comments on: The Tale of the Tuxedo Cocktail You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Fri, 16 Mar 2018 13:54:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ramos Fri, 16 Mar 2018 13:54:45 +0000 Hi Doug, D. Wondrich is one of my references but the IBA recipe is the same as yours, what’s your opinion about this Tuxedo?
Many thanks!

By: Doug Ford Mon, 12 Sep 2016 18:15:05 +0000 In reply to vanihm.

I’m not familiar with the Jensen gin, it would be interesting to try one day, if it shows up in my market. Thanks for the suggestion.


By: vanihm Mon, 12 Sep 2016 12:23:32 +0000 Greate recipe – the PDT cocktail book has anice compromize solution – similar, but with Plymouth gin and a lot heavyer (1/4 oz) on the Maraschino. I prefter using Old Tom though Ransom is a bit rough – Jensens old tom works just right.

By: Doug Ford Sun, 20 Mar 2016 21:39:42 +0000 In reply to Carin.

I’ve tried it both ways, and coating the glass, Sazerac style, works just fine. The main difference seems to be whether the absinthe is present more in the nose or on the palate. (I tend to go with absinthe washes—I love a nose full of absinthe—but the good part is that everyone gets to pick his favorite.)

By: Carin Sat, 19 Mar 2016 03:27:08 +0000 Thanks for adding Tuxedo to the library! I’ve made the McElhone version with the exception of coating the glass with the St. George absinthe vs. stirring in… not sure if it makes a difference but I do really like this cocktail.

By: Doug Ford Sat, 09 Jan 2016 23:10:33 +0000 In reply to kyletrek.

There seem to be many ways to make the Tuxedo, and your “no absinthe” variant seems plenty legit to me. “Clean” is an intriguing attribute, and provides an interesting angle for evaluating a cocktail. Thanks for the suggestion.

By: kyletrek Fri, 08 Jan 2016 18:04:46 +0000 I have always preferred the old tom version of the Tuxedo, although I typically omit the absinthe. The absinthe is good in the cocktail but seems “cleaner” without the absinthe, have also tired Peychaud’s to replace the absinthe which is also good but also took out the nice clean flavor that you get from the rest of the drink.

By: Doug Ford Thu, 03 Dec 2015 00:01:09 +0000 In reply to tengrain.

I know what you mean about the sherry gene—I don’t seem to have it, either. Wish I did, but… no. (I keep trying, though.)

I hope you enjoy the Imbue version of the Tuxedo—I like it a lot. And if you can find the Ransom Old Tom, so much the better!

Thanks for taking time to join in, have a great day.

By: tengrain Wed, 02 Dec 2015 03:45:00 +0000 I actually made one earlier this week—the sherry version, Manzanilla-style—and it was good, but unremarkable; I don’t think I have the sherry gene. I will try your version next time (I’m absolutely giddy about Imbue).

As always thanks for the post; I’m always glad to have your research.


