Comments on: The Clover Club Cocktail You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Thu, 11 Apr 2019 21:34:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Ford Thu, 11 Apr 2019 21:34:55 +0000 In reply to Philip in Hong Kong.

Hello again, Philip. So tonka bean, I think I’ve never tasted that. A heady scent in harmony with raspberry, that sounds well worth searching out. Thanks!

By: Philip in Hong Kong Thu, 11 Apr 2019 10:55:55 +0000 Hi Doug
Another report from Hong Kong as we head into the humid swelter of summer and a Clover Club starys to feel attractively refreshing.

I’ve recently discovered the ultimate luxury garnish for this cocktail: a light dusting of freshly grated tonka bean. The heady scent of the tonka as you sip is a great harmony with the raspberry.


By: Doug Ford Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:45:54 +0000 In reply to Jacob.

Raspberry coulis with black pepper—that sounds like a brilliant experiment, I wish I could be there to try it.

And I’ve never tried a Clover Club with Sapphire, I’ll have to do that one day.

As for Hendrick’s: I agree that it seems to work great with tonic. I’ve also had luck with a Hendrick’s Negroni, though some people might suggest that’s crazy.

It’s gratifying that you find Cold Glass useful, thanks for letting me know, and keep up the good work!

By: Jacob Thu, 23 Jul 2015 04:54:15 +0000 Hey, back to making drinks for my beer-loving bar. This week we’ve decided to make Clover Clubs on Friday, after the resounding success of the Future Ghost last week and a strong start to our “featured cocktail” night the week before (a slightly modified Oriental Cocktail, also taken from this site). The liquor bottle we’re trying to 86 this week is Rogue’s Pink Spruce Gin, which is a very dry, spicy gin with very little juniper presence. Once again, having a head chef to work with makes things immensely easier and more fun. In preparation for this drink, I steered him toward a recipe for raspberry syrup, but he surprised me by instead making a raspberry coulis with black pepper, and we spent an evening experimenting. In order to keep the richness of a dessert drink, we eventually increased it to a full ounce of the coulis, and our Clover Club is wonderful with fresh lemon and Dolin Dry. I weedled my chef into prepping up to-go ramekins of egg white to ease the strain on our bartenders, whose first instinct is to whine about drinks that require more preparation than pouring beer into a glass, and now we’re set for Friday.

Thanks for posting this recipe. I actually originally stumbled upon this blog while trying to find a Clover Club that worked. I got excited about a good raspberry cocktail after seeing a gorgeous picture on kitchn, but their recipe (vermouth-less) tasted jumbled and unremarkable. I didn’t want the pint of raspberries I’d boiled and strained and steeped and mixed into a syrup to go to waste, so I searched the internet until I found your site. After being lost in the rum section for hours (I’m a tiki-lover first), I tried this version with some Bombay Sapphire, and it was excellent. I still prefer that gin in my Clover Club; its more complex and delicate flavors are perfect with the balance of lemon and raspberry. To my palate, Tanqueray is too aloof and unmixed into the dessert nature of the drink, whereas my other standard, Beefeater 24, is far too sweet.

Anyway, I’m rambling now. Still loving the blog. My head chef loves Hendrick’s gin, by the way, any specific ideas for that? I only like it’s vegetal cucumber flavor in a cucumber garnished Hendrick’s and Tonic (though that is my standard order in a strange bar).

By: Doug Ford Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:01:26 +0000 In reply to Kevin Hennenhoefer.

Thanks, and congratulations on muddling your own syrup, that’s excellent!

By: Kevin Hennenhoefer Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:04:01 +0000 I’m slowly making my way through your index of cocktails, and this was another great one (albeit, a little more work as I had to muddle my own raspberry syrup). I also experimented with substituting Chambord for the raspberry syrup. It made an entirely different tasting drink, but it was also good. Thank you for making these blog entries!

By: Doug Ford Fri, 29 Mar 2013 19:33:33 +0000 In reply to Raphael.

Thanks, Raphael, 39 seconds well spent.

By: Raphael Thu, 28 Mar 2013 20:02:13 +0000 Excellent video demonstration of double-straining here:

For folks (like me) who weren’t sure how to do it.

By: Doug Ford Thu, 21 Feb 2013 21:20:53 +0000 In reply to clubschadenfreude.

Interesting idea. One way to find out…

I’m glad you enjoy Cold Glass, thanks!

By: clubschadenfreude Thu, 21 Feb 2013 21:12:07 +0000 love cocktails like this with the glorious color. I wonder how a rasberry shrub would work in it.
