Comments on: What’s Wrong with the Blood and Sand Cocktail? You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Thu, 30 Nov 2017 19:43:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Ilechko Thu, 30 Nov 2017 19:43:24 +0000 In reply to JC Ketterer.

I made it with Glenmorangie Original, Dolin Rouge, Cherry Heering and fresh OJ, and I thought it was a fine cocktail. That was with the traditional 1:1:1:1 ratios.

By: Doug Ford Wed, 07 Sep 2016 03:50:25 +0000 In reply to JC Ketterer.

Good ideas, JC, thanks.


By: JC Ketterer Wed, 07 Sep 2016 02:01:46 +0000 Here’s the thing. This cocktail may have its standards, but if you are making it at home add more or less to what makes the cocktail taste great for you. Have a sweet palate? Add more OJ and/or sweet vermouth. Prefer the dried fruit/smokey taste of scotch? You can either add more OR even better experiment with different scotch. Smokey flavor Laphroaig 10 yr or even more smoke Laphroaig Triple wood, EVEN MORE smoke Bruichladdich Octomore or Black Art. Want just a hint of smoke on the nose lace the glass with Highland Park 12yr or something like Springbank from Campbeltown. Get creative guys! This cocktail is amazing, if you call this cocktail at any established cocktail bar you should not be disappointed.

By: Doug Ford Fri, 03 Jun 2016 21:32:36 +0000 In reply to Louise Owens.

Come to think of it, I’ve never served Blood and Sand on the rocks. I’ll try that next time. Thanks.

By: Louise Owens Fri, 03 Jun 2016 19:08:31 +0000 I made pitchers of Manhattans, Hemingway Daiquiris, and Blood & Sand for a dinner party. The Blood & Sand was a hit. We always build in the glass and serve on rocks. Served up it is indeed a weird drink.

By: Doug Ford Mon, 08 Feb 2016 16:24:38 +0000 In reply to Mike Janowski.

I’m with you, it has to be fresh juice. And as it happens, I did use blood oranges on the day I made the photos. They definitely bring a lot of (red) color into the drink, and they have that little bit of a berry overtone in the flavor, though that nuance is pretty much subdued by the other flavors in the drink.

Thanks for taking time to add the “fresh juice” reminder!

By: Mike Janowski Sun, 07 Feb 2016 19:42:16 +0000 Hmmm. I wondered what I was ever gonna do with that bottle of Cherry Heering sitting in the back of my liquor shelf…

The overlooked part of the discussion here is the OJ, which I think would have just as big an effect as the type of scotch used, and far more effect than changing the vermouth out…

I’m sure many folks read this discussion and just figured they could go get a bottle of Tropicana and use that…BLASPHEMY! I think that using fresh-juiced oranges would really help this cocktail…and my spidey sense is tingling at the thought of using blood oranges.

By: Jacob Hooker Fri, 05 Feb 2016 22:34:24 +0000 In reply to Doug Ford.

I know what you mean. Death and Co recommends a variety of Eaux-de-Vies, particularly by Massenez, but even the website that they recommend for alcohol supply, astorwines, never seems to have them in stock. And to compound the problem for me, I live in Michigan, where any and all liquor must be on the approved price book published by the Liquor Control Board, and for a certain minimum price. What it really does is keep liquor sales firmly in the control of whichever giant companies can pay for lobbyists. So we have a thousand different flavored Bacardi abominations on the shelves, but nothing by Rothman and Winter.

By: Doug Ford Fri, 05 Feb 2016 22:22:42 +0000 In reply to Jacob Hooker.

It would be interesting to try this with a real cherry brandy (as opposed to a liqueur), as originally specified, but there seems to be no such thing, at least not in my liquor stores. Alas! that there are so few properly-made non-grape brandies to cocktail with.

By: Jacob Hooker Wed, 03 Feb 2016 10:20:55 +0000 I’m with you. I’ve never been able to stomach the Blood and Sand, and by now I think it may have ruined me for any drink containing Cherry Heering liqueur. That syrupy liqueur is so sickly, and it just ruins the scotch, to my taste…Add sweet vermouth, and the slight sweetness of orange juice, and God forbid, a richer inland scotch like Highland Park 18, and the whole drink is just a rotten, cloying mess. Maybe your versions could change my mind, but for now, I’d rather just sip the Laphroaig on my shelf.

By: Pavel Yan. aka scomorokh Sat, 30 Jan 2016 20:54:25 +0000 While I was reading the first half of the post I had something like dejavu. A weird cocktail with plain 1:1:1:1 proportion and all of the ingredients “fighting with each other” but as for me it’s not Blood & Sand… Rather Last Word 8) I’ve never thought about similarity of these cocktails, have you?

By: clubschadenfreude Sat, 30 Jan 2016 17:03:18 +0000 intriguing. I’ve been putting off buying cherry heering but I may have to break down and get some to try these two.

By: Doug Ford Fri, 29 Jan 2016 22:07:43 +0000 In reply to Randi and Eric’s Honeymoon.

I’ve seen that recipe, never made it. I wonder if subbing a bit of lemon for the orange is part of the solution? I guess I’ll have to find out. Thanks for the reminder!

By: Randi and Eric's Honeymoon Fri, 29 Jan 2016 22:02:26 +0000 This post is quite the coincidence, as I just tried this drink for the first time a couple days ago based on a friend recommendation. I used a recipe from Death & Co which is more scotch heavy than the original, uses their common Dolin/Punt Y Mes mix of vermouth, and adds a touch of lemon juice. It was very tasty!
