Comments on: Punch and Rum — the Doctor Cocktail You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Thu, 10 Feb 2022 23:48:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Ford Thu, 10 Feb 2022 23:48:36 +0000 In reply to Kevin Hennenhoefer.

Kevin, I’ve never made my own Swedish Punsch, so there’s that. The defining elements of Swedish Punch seem to be Batavian Arrack, rum or brandy, tea, sugar, lemon, and tropical spices to taste (nutmeg and cardamom seem to be classic choices).

The first formula I recorded was Eric Ellestad’s , from the old Savoy Stomp blog. Since I have easy access to Kronan, which I like, I never motivated to brew any; Google can point you to myriad recipes , some simpler, some more complex.

I look forward to hearing the results of your experiments. In fact, you have me thinking now of trying this myself.

Thanks for following Cold Glass.

By: Kevin Hennenhoefer Wed, 02 Feb 2022 01:56:27 +0000 I do have access to Batavia-Arrack but not Swedish Punsch. Any favorite recipes for converting the former into the latter? Thanks!

By: Doug Ford Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:46:46 +0000 In reply to Alex Orr.

I agree about the lime, it can be pretty aggressive. I think of this as a rum (!) drink, and a light touch with citrus is well advised. You characterize it well, that this drink is about rum and Swedish Punsch. Thanks for adding to the conversation!

By: Alex Orr Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:57:40 +0000 I may have to try your variation. I just made this using Ted Haigh’s recipe in “Vintage Spirits” and was a bit letdown. 2:1:1 ratio of rum:punsch:lime juice yields a drink that is far to lime dominant and actually manages to lose a good deal of the charms of both the punsch and rum. It’s not awful, and actually becomes a bit better as it warms somewhat, but I think your recipe sounds better.

By: Doug Ford Sat, 07 Dec 2013 17:14:28 +0000 In reply to scotro72.

I think evolution of taste is one of the most educational aspects of cocktailing. I often find, as you have, that when I go back to a drink that I haven’t made for a while, that I change it from the finely tuned proportions that I published. It’s usually centered around my sense of sweet and sour, but sometimes it has as much to do with the spirits themselves. And sometimes the changes are bigger yet—when I started this blog, I was mostly a gin guy; it turns out that now I’m a whiskey and rum guy. Self-discovery never ends, I guess.

I’m delighted that Cold Glass is useful; thanks for letting me know. (And now you’ve reminded me that I want to try my hand at making Swedish Punsch.)

By: scotro72 Wed, 04 Dec 2013 01:37:24 +0000 Isn’t it funny how tastes change…i have since been trying to perfect my Dr Cocktail recipe. What I liked a year ago and posted on my blog doesn’t do it for me now. I have since been back and forth between Smith & Cross, Meyers, and El Dorado 5 as well as Kronan. Carlshamms Flaggpunsch (which I bought back from the UK this summer) and my own homemade versions of SP, which have varied in degrees of success. Only the Aviation commands such attention from me in the quest for perfection. Love your blog and make every drink as you post it and often refer to your “back issues” when I’m looking to have some fun…
Happy Holidays

By: Doug Ford Wed, 25 Sep 2013 14:38:04 +0000 In reply to scot.

First off: my apologies, Scot, for overlooking your comment for two (!) months.

I think it’s really fun that you went to the effort to compare this recipe to your favorite from Vintage Cocktails. There was nothing for it, of course, but to duplicate your experiment—someone has to do the dirty work.

(For those who haven’t read Ted Haigh’s Vintage Cocktails, the recipe he recommends is: 2 parts Jamaican rum to one part Punch and one part lime juice, garnished with a lime twist.)

The results were thought provoking. I hadn’t had a Doctor for a while, so I came to it relatively fresh. On this review, the original recipe (above) seems very sweet—almost as though Trader Vic had reversed the Swedish Punch and the rum in his recipe. No way to know, I guess; some recipes emphasize the Punch, some don’t.

So I also did the experiment that you almost certainly tried: I made two Doctors according to the Haigh formula, one with the original lime portion, and the other substituting lemon and orange. The results were much as you described: the lime version was bright and aggressive, sort of a Daiquiri with something in it; the lemon/orange version was a bit softer, a bit more lush, with the flavors of the Punch coming forward a bit more recognizably.

Perhaps my tastes have changed, or perhaps I’m more of a rum lover than I was when I originally wrote that article. Whatever the cause, I consider both of the rum-dominated versions superior.

I sense a return visit from the Doctor coming on…

Thanks for commenting, and for starting me down this learning path again.

By: scot Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:53:40 +0000 So, I decided to try a comparison between your version of the Doctor Cocktail and that of the version i have come to know from the my cocktail books. The “Vintage Cocktail..” book version i have come to love over the past months has that dryness and booziness I love. However, the version you posted intrigued me. Partly because I had a bowl of oranges.

The major difference i found in your lemon and orange vs. lime version is a mellow and sweet taste compared to the version i’m used to. While i do like your version, i have to say it comes across as almost a “diet” version of the punsch/rum/lime version i’m used to. Ironically much sweeter, but also less intense.

Swedish punsch has a very dry and strong overpowering taste that may turn off those new to the world of craft cocktails, but those who have fumbled around making cocktails at home may have already acquired a taste for it’s distinctive and unmistakeable flavor.

While this version is delicious and maybe more suitable for some, the lime version really brings out the taste of the punsch AND the rum (i go back and forth with Meyers dark and Smith & Cross, depending on where I am and which cabinet I am fishing out of…)

just my humble opinion…

By: Doug Ford Sun, 21 Oct 2012 23:02:35 +0000 In reply to Krister Nynabb.

Krister— that’s a fascinating account, and suggests that Punsch has become more of a passé, perhaps nostalgic, formal ritual among the Swedes, rather than a mainstream refreshment? It reminds me that many of the great punches had their origin in large social gatherings, and particularly as “regimental” punches; Chatham Artillery Punch is one of the famous ones that I should write up one of these days.

Thank you for adding the video to your comment. In addition to being both enlightening and entertaining, it also has the honor of being the first video posted at Cold Glass!

By: Krister Nynabb Sun, 21 Oct 2012 08:17:55 +0000 Interesting. Punsch has fallen out of flavour in mainstream Swedish society, but is still big at formal dinners at the oldest universities and engineering schools. There it is served ice cold to accompany very strong drip coffee. While waiting to be served the guest sings a song in anticipation.

By: putneyfarm Fri, 17 Aug 2012 21:41:05 +0000 In reply to Doug Ford.

Oh well, thanks. Part of the fun with cocktails is finding new glassware…

By: Doug Ford Fri, 17 Aug 2012 18:25:42 +0000 In reply to mylatinnotebook.

A “magical virtual cocktail hour,” I like the idea. I prefer the non-virtual type, but what a pleasant concept.

Now, about your grandmother—Manhattans for lunch? I think I would have liked your grandmother very much.

By: DJ HawaiianShirt Fri, 17 Aug 2012 14:57:36 +0000 Good god that is a pretty glass you have there, Doug…

By: mylatinnotebook Fri, 17 Aug 2012 13:34:40 +0000 In reply to Doug Ford.

I hope that’s ‘stopped me cold’ in a good way? Just a testimony to how much I enjoy the blog, especially on those days when there is nothing I would like more than to be sitting in the upstairs restaurant in St Pancras Station (London), sipping a Thursday or Friday late afternoon cocktail (usually vodka martini for me)after work with husband/friends/colleagues, but can’t. ‘Cold Glass’ provides me with a magical virtual cocktail hour.

Regarding RM, don’t know if I could stand all that vermouth myself, and manhattans remind me (in a good way) of lunches when I was a kid with my grandmother and her friends, definitely not Sex and the City!

By: Doug Ford Fri, 17 Aug 2012 02:58:50 +0000 In reply to putneyfarm.

I’m glad you enjoyed the photo. Alas! that I’m no help with the glass—it came from a local antiques and collectibles shop, so I don’t even know the name of the maker.

By: Doug Ford Fri, 17 Aug 2012 02:55:55 +0000 In reply to theboolion.

I didn’t realize it, either, so my first sip on bringing it home was quite a revelation. I imagine you’ll enjoy the Doctor.

By: Doug Ford Fri, 17 Aug 2012 02:54:21 +0000 In reply to mylatinnotebook.

The idea that someone would think of me and my blog as they read an article in the NYT—especially an article by and about two of my favorite inspirations—is something that takes me quite aback. It stopped me cold as I read through these comments. Very uplifting, thank you for letting me know.

As for the “reverse” Manhattan, I would say it comes from switching the roles of the whiskey and vermouth. It’s normally served as a bit of vermouth in lots of whiskey; Paul Child’s was a bit of whiskey in lots of vermouth. I love the traditional Manhattan, but I’ll have to give this “reversed” version a try.


By: putneyfarm Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:52:07 +0000 A tasty drink…we got some Swedish Punch a while back and this was one of the first drinks we tried. Great photo and glassware…Do you mind telling us where you got the glass?

By: theboolion Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:32:47 +0000 I didn’t realise Punsch was ‘Hogo’. That’s my favourite flavour these days.Love agricole, and my Cachaca is one fo the cheapest bottles I own, and also one of the tastiest. Gotta get me some Punsch and whip up a Doctor Ccoktail.

By: mylatinnotebook Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:36:22 +0000 Sounds like the ideal summer drink! The Swedish Punch might be a challenge to get around my parts.

Incidentally, I thought of your blog the other day when reading a NYT article by Jacques Pepin on Julia Child. ( In it, he recalls a trip to Julia’s house and having Paul Child make what Pepin called ‘a reverse Manhattan:’ “It is made mostly with sweet red vermouth, a wedge of lime or lemon and a couple of tablespoons of bourbon. ”

Not quite sure where the reverse comes in though….

By: themuddledpeacock Wed, 15 Aug 2012 21:36:55 +0000 Would love to give this a try. It looks wonderful.

By: beyondanomie Wed, 15 Aug 2012 19:01:43 +0000 This sounds right up my street, and not just because it matches my profession. The flavours all sound excellent together. I have a feeling that I’ve seen a swedish punch sold somewhere here, but it sounded so outlandish that I never thought to try it.
