Comments on: The Daiquiri Cocktail You can make these cocktails. Start right now. Sat, 04 Jun 2022 17:10:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Doug Ford Sat, 04 Jun 2022 17:10:44 +0000 In reply to Cameron N.

Thanks, Cameron.

By: Cameron N Sat, 04 Jun 2022 15:42:21 +0000 This is greatt

By: Daiquiri variants | What Richard is drinking Fri, 25 Mar 2022 15:31:38 +0000 […] really even knows what a Daiquiri is? I was brought up to regard it as a basic rum sour, but the longer I live, the more languages I understand I know nothing […]

By: Rum and Falernum — the Corn ’n Oil Cocktail | Ποδήλατο καφέ - podilato caffè- (bicicletta caffè, bicycle cafe, bisiklet kahve, bicicleta café, café vélo, قهوه دوچرخه , 自行車咖啡, бицикл кафа )................ Sun, 24 Jul 2016 05:05:23 +0000 […] the name came from, Corn ’n Oil is a delightful rum drink, and a fun alternative to the venerable Daiquiri on a hot summer day. It’s easy to make, and with the falernum as a sweetener, it presents a […]

By: Rum and Falernum — the Corn ’n Oil Cocktail – Cold Glass Sat, 23 Jul 2016 22:14:17 +0000 […] the name came from, Corn ’n Oil is a delightful rum drink, and a fun alternative to the venerable Daiquiri on a hot summer day. It’s easy to make, and with the falernum as a sweetener, it presents a […]

By: Doug Ford Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:32:48 +0000 In reply to Jacob Hooker.

…and I wonder what would have happened if you changed your order to a white rum sour…?

By: Doug Ford Wed, 17 Feb 2016 18:29:18 +0000 In reply to Jacob Hooker.

Ouch. That’s a sad story. It’s incongruous that a place that cares enough to serve the little-known Champs-Elysees would be confused about the Daiquiri. I’m not sure I could have taken that with a straight face.

It makes me want to write another Daiquiri story, just to give it a little more PR. (Hmm… and while I’m at it, perhaps the Champs-Elysees, too…)

Good story, thanks for the telling.

By: Jacob Hooker Wed, 17 Feb 2016 04:57:19 +0000 I found a great Speakeasy-style bar in Grand Rapids, MI, and after the bartendress successfully fielded my orders of an Americano, a Rob Roy, and a Champs-Elysees, I tried ordering a Daiquiri. I won’t even repeat what she told me, but it was to the effect that if I wanted a girly, blended drink, I could try up the street at TGIFridays. Obviously not an example of great service, but I am mostly saddened that the great classic Daiquiri has been brought so low that it’s denigrated at a place where I’m confident I could order a Last Word and not explain myself.

Anyway, I took my friend home, squeezed a pair of limes, and made some Daiquiris. Cheers from Michigan.

By: A return to Havana — the El Presidente Cocktail | Cold Glass Thu, 13 Aug 2015 22:51:46 +0000 […] presentation of El Presidente is a world apart from the familiar rum sour or tiki stylings of the Daiquiri, Old Cuban or Mai Tai. Rather than combine rum with lime, lemon or other tropical fruit juices, La […]

By: Extra effort, extra reward: the Pearl Diver’s Punch | Cold Glass Sun, 21 Jun 2015 20:55:19 +0000 […] are just mildly complex, an easy jump from, say, your everyday Daiquiri. An extra rum in the mix, or falernum instead of simple syrup, and you’re good to […]

By: The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club Cocktail | Cold Glass Sat, 23 May 2015 22:52:56 +0000 […] Vic was done with it, the RBYC was clearly a proto-tiki drink, halfway between the straightforward Daiquiri and the more ornate, complex tiki drinks that would be his […]

By: Swizzling the Noa Noa | Cold Glass Tue, 05 May 2015 21:51:50 +0000 […] Jeff Berry’s Noa Noa is designed in the classic tradition of Caribbean cocktails—at its heart, it’s an easy mix of rum, lime, sugar and ice. In fact, you could consider it a minted version of the basic Daiquiri. […]

By: Planter’s Punch | Cold Glass Fri, 04 Jul 2014 03:20:56 +0000 […] simple, sort of a dark rum version of the classic Daiquiri, but with the addition of bitters. And, of course, the traditional crushed ice […]

By: Have one in Havana — the Hotel Nacional Special Cocktail | Cold Glass Wed, 07 May 2014 00:24:12 +0000 […] Nacional is loosely modeled on the Daiquiri, but with pineapple juice providing the sweet counterpart to citrus, and just a touch of the […]

By: Navy Grog | Cold Glass Thu, 17 Apr 2014 23:14:09 +0000 […] sugar—the basic ingredients of Navy Grog are the building blocks of the classic punches, of the Daiquiri, and of a host of other Caribbean […]

By: More mixing with honey: the Honey Bee | Cold Glass Sat, 21 Sep 2013 22:29:59 +0000 […] Honey Bee is built on the standard rum sour model, but is markedly different from, say, the Daiquiri. Clearly, there is a lot of room for adjusting flavors in even the simplest of […]

By: Ti’ Punch and the Caipirinha | Cold Glass Thu, 22 Aug 2013 21:40:34 +0000 […] The result is a slightly sweetened, rhum-forward cocktail. The lime is very much a background flavor, not asserting itself the way it does in, say, a Daiquiri. […]

By: Rum, fruit and spice — The Ancient Mariner | Cold Glass Wed, 03 Apr 2013 14:57:06 +0000 […] blend of fresh citrus juices, and a dollop of sugar to balance it out.  It’s the spice that makes it something more than a Daiquiri, and brings that heady mix of cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and clove to the […]

By: Punching out with the Founding Fathers | Cold Glass Tue, 10 Jul 2012 23:34:58 +0000 […] you can see, the distance from a great Punch to the whiskey sour, the Daiquiri, or the Tom Collins is vanishingly small. One difference from the modern cocktail may […]

By: The Old Cuban Cocktail | Cold Glass Thu, 16 Jun 2011 20:01:37 +0000 […] drinks seem to follow the classic sours pattern for me—whiskey sour, Daiquiri, Pegu Club, Aviation, and so forth—and now the Old Cuban has certainly joined the short list. […]

By: Mojito del Coronado « Cold Glass Fri, 07 May 2010 03:56:42 +0000 […] May 4, 2010 Doug Leave a comment Go to comments I recently noted that rum drinks, notably the Daiquiri, were sneaking into my cocktail repertoire. I was reminded of a visit to San Diego, and to the […]
