The Marlene Dietrich Cocktail: Canadian whisky, curaçao, and bitters, garnished with wedges of lemon and orange.
Building on the Old-Fashioned—The Improved Whiskey Cocktail
The Improved Whiskey Cocktail: bourbon or rye whiskey, Maraschino, absinthe, sugar, bitters and lemon.
Mixing with Fernet-Branca—the Toronto Cocktail
The Toronto Cocktail: rye whiskey, demarara syrup, Fernet Branca and bitters.
Manhattan Cocktail, Cold and Dusky
The Manhattan: rye whiskey, sweet vermouth and bitters.
Affinity Cocktail
The Affinity cocktail: Scotch whiskey, sweet vermouth and dry vermouth, with a touch of bitters. One of the few great Scotch cocktails.